Classic Salted Caramel - 290g - Sprig
Sprig’s luscious milk cream caramel with a touch of pristine sea salt is crafted to an artisanal recipe befitting the most discerning palate. To get hooked, simply open the jar and tuck in with a big spoon. You may also spread it on warm buttered toast, top over a cake or fruit salad, fill in pies, flans and crepes or drizzle over ice cream, pudding and custards.
Salted caramels have been a traditional treat in some French regions for years, and once the flavour combination hit the American high-end ice cream parlours and coffee shops in 2009, it has not looked back.
The slight contrast of the salt enhances and complements the sweetness of the caramel. Salted camel can be enjoyed in beverages, like salted caramel lattes or in dessert form – salted caramel chocolates, cupcakes, brownies, cookies and cheesecakes.
Salted caramel is traditionally made from plain sugar melting in a pan and adding heavy cream just at the right moment. It is highly important to use the right amount of good-quality sea salt for the finishing touch.